Haynes Repair & Service Manual

Haynes Repair & Service Manual

REPAIR AND SERVICE MANUALS Save money by doing repairs yourself! Contain complete facts on maintenance tuning troubleshooting and more plus wiring diagrams specs and illustrations For motorcycles ATCs ATVs and mopeds

Clymer Repair & Service Manual

Clymer Repair & Service Manual

REPAIR AND SERVICE MANUALS Save on high mechanic's bills¿maintain and repair your own bike! Manuals guide you through every job For '75-95 GL1000 GL1100 GL1200 and GL1500 models Troubleshooting information and charts will lead you from symptoms to cause. Quick-reference data on most frequently used specs plus everything you need to know about tools techniques and safety. All components systems are comprehensively covered. Approx. 280 to 850 pages with 12 to 200 pages of wiring diagrams.

Harley Davidson Horsepower

Harley Davidson Horsepower

HOW TO BUILD HARLEY-DAVIDSON HORSEPOWER Learn how to pick exhaust pipes carburetors camshafts and all the appropriate accessories Covers aftermarket cases transmissions and more complete with step-by-step photographs of key tasks Step-by-step instruction manual on modifying Evolution or Shovelhead motor and chassis The ultimate teacher in helping you tear down and rebuild your bike! Covers everything from adding simple bolt-ons to building 100-cubic-inch monsters! Over 150 pages are loaded with illustrations specifications and tips.

PART # 81GS5577U-     
Haynes Motorcycle Electrical Manual Haynes Motorcycle Electrical Manual

From basic electrical theory to complex electronic systems, this manual meets the needs of the professional and amateur technician. Explains ignition and combustion, spark plug types and construction, fuel injection and engine management, alternators, DC generators, starters, batteries, lighting and signalling, braking and traction control systems, fault finding and more. 3rd ed. Hdbd., 8 1/2'x 11', 252 pgs., 518 b&w ill., 26 color.

How To Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop How To Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop

Make the most of your available space! Chock full of helpful organizational ideas plus tips on which tools to buy and how to use them, which tools will keep your bike on the road, tools to have for emergencies, and more. Filled with guidelines for setting up painting, welding, and metal fabrication operations. Sftbd., 8 1/4'x 10 1/2', 160 pgs., b&w ill.

Six Motorcycle Masters Video Six Motorcycle Masters Video

This video gives you a rare inside look at the shops of the leading bike stylists in the nation. Watch as builders such as Bob Thrash, John Buttera, Jim Nasi, Mike Berg and Paul Yaffe show you their latest works and demonstrate some of the innovative metalwork used to create motorcycles that can only be described as works of art. See several stunning works-in-progress and learn some of the top builders_ secrets. Color, 52 min.

Clymer Repair & Maintenance Manual

Clymer Repair & Maintenance Manual

REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR CYCLES WITH 2-STROKE ENGINES Ideal for vintage motorcycle collectors and do-it-yourself mechanics Explains design and service fundamentals including operating principles troubleshooting maintenance repairs frame and components For early '60s through mid-'70s cycles Includes metric conversion table and degree-wheel page. Covers cycles with single or multicylinder engines larger than 85cc. Illustrated. 352 pages.

Haynes Motorcycle Workshop Practice Manual Haynes Motorcycle Workshop Practice Manual

Essential information on how to use tools, fabricate components from metal and plastic, and tackle common motorcycle repairs. Sftbd., 8 1/4'x 10 1/2', 144 pgs., 340 b&w ill.

Maintenance Tape

Maintenance Tape

MAINTENANCE TAPES VHS format Choose from 5 comprehensive video libraries For Harley-Davidson models Aimed at the new rider but also helpful to an "old pro." Show how to tune maintain and service bike with tools you have at home. Charging systems electrical diagnosis lubrication changes and chain/belt adjustments are just a few of the subjects covered. Videos show the right way to service bike with step-by-step procedures described in language that's easy to understand. Videos include information not in service manuals plus inside secrets and tips that save time and money.

Cam & Pushrod Installion Video

Cam & Pushrod Installion Video

CAM AND PUSHROD INSTALLATION VIDEO VHS format Easy-to-follow procedures For all Harley-Davidson Evolution models Shows how to install a new cam and adjustable pushrods without removing the cylinder heads or cutting old pushrods. Gas tank rocker box valve rockers hydraulic unit and more are covered. Shows the right way to service bike with step-by-step procedures described in language that's easy to understand. Video includes information not in service manuals plus inside secrets and tips that save time and money. 72 minutes.

Stroker & Stock Engine Overhaul Video

Stroker & Stock Engine Overhaul Video

89 CUBIC INCH STROKER AND STOCK ENGINE OVERHAUL VIDEO SET VHS format 2-tape set totaling 240 minutes For all Harley-Davidson Evolution 1340cc models Step-by-step instructions teach how to overhaul a stock motor or set up a stroker motor. Learn how to remove engine rebuild every part of it and reinstall it correctly. Videos cover installation of cam and adjustable pushrods super head and shocks replacement of stator rejetting the carb modification of the suspension and more. Selection of the right engine oil and new motor break-in procedures are included. Videos show the right way to service bike with step-by-step procedures described in language that's easy to understand. Videos include information not in service manuals plus inside secrets and tips that save time and money.

5-Speed Transmission Overhaul & Rebuild Video

5-Speed Transmission Overhaul & Rebuild Video

5-SPEED TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL AND REBUILD VIDEO VHS format Shows how to spot worn parts and how to repair or replace them For all Harley-Davidson Evolution 1340cc models Reveals the best ways to adjust and re-assemble transmission remove inner and outer primary covers disassemble/reassemble the clutch assembly and mainshaft/layshaft gear remove and replace the engine oil tank and more. Shows the right way to service bike with step-by-step procedures described in language that's easy to understand. Video includes information no in service manuals plus inside secrets and tips that save time and money. 185 minutes.

Conversion Video

Conversion Video

883CC TO 1200CC CONVERSION VIDEO SET VHS format 2-tape set totaling 182 minutes For Harley-Davidson Evolution Sportster models Video set shows how to handle a job that could cost almost $1000 at a dealer! Shows how to rip down an engine do the work then put it back together. Discover everything it takes to boost your Sportster into the 70+ hp range¿combustion chamber modification installation of adjustable pushrod and limited lifter valve kit. 1200cc piston/cam kit installation installation of a new exhaust system and a Super "E" carb (jetting procedures included). Videos show the right way to service bike with step-by-step procedures described in language that's easy to understand. Video set includes information not in service manuals plus inside secrets and tips that save time and money.

JC Whitney  -  Tough parts for tough bikes.